Research data
Through its Strategic Plan and Open Science policy (italian version), UniTrento recognizes and promotes the principles of Open Science and responsible research (transparency, reproducibility of research methods, collaboration, inclusiveness, accessibility, rigor, sharing, reuse, etc.) and supports their adoption by its members. It recognizes that all research results, and research data in particular, constitute a cultural and scientific heritage to be managed, archived, preserved and made available - also in the long term - according to the highest standards of reliability, quality and integrity for the benefit of society as a whole.
Research Data Management Plan
It is the responsibility of individual members of the university to correctly collect, manage, archive, conserve and disseminate the data and other results of their research, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation (with particular reference to the rules cited in the recent legislative decree 200/2021), university regulations and any financing agreements with third parties.
It is strongly recommended that members draw up and constantly update their own Data Management Plan and the other results of their research, even if not formally required by third parties in the context of the funding agreements. In fact, the drafting of a plan ensures that the data and all the results of the research are managed according to the FAIR principles, that the processing methods meet ethical and legal requirements, that all the necessary measures have been considered and the related costs in economic terms and in terms of the personnel required for their correct management have been estimated, including security (for example issues related to confidentiality or conservation such as access control and backups).
Helpdesk service and guidelines
The university provides its members with a helpdesk to support the drafting of the data management plan managed by the Digital Services Office for Research, which can be contacted by sending an email to [email protected].
The Open Science Commission has approved the official university guidelines (italian version) as a reference for UniTrento members to orient themselves on the topic of correct management and availability of data and other results of scientific research, in compliance with current legislation, university regulations and any contracts stipulated with third parties.
The university has also prepared the following two documents for its affiliates, aimed primarily at those participating in projects funded under Horizon Europe:
The first is a concise guide to what the European Commission recommends applicants should write about research data in their project proposals. The second summarizes the Open Science obligations for beneficiaries to avoid incurring sanctions.
Training courses
Each year, the university offers seminars on the topic of research data as part of the range of initiatives aimed at PhD students and research grant holders. Please consult the internal archive which contains the materials of the previous editions of the seminars. The seminars are publicised periodically through the university portals and secretariats of the doctoral schools.