University of Trento
via Calepina, 14 - 38122 Trento
Taxpayer code 00340520220
[email protected]
If you know the name of the person you need to contact
- look up his/her phone number or email address on People
If you do not know the name of the person or office you need to contact
- call the reception +39 0461 281111 between 8.00 am and 6.30 pm to receive information
- write to [email protected] and your email will be forwarded to the relevant person/office
If you already have a PEC mail
write to the institutional PEC email address of the University: [email protected]
UniTrento main website
For information, comments and suggestions on the main website of UniTrento please email to: [email protected]
Accessibility on UniTrento main website
For information, comments and suggestions on accessibility and for accessibility requests on the main website of UniTrento please email to: [email protected]
Accessible documents
For clarifications, doubts and difficulties on accessible documents, open a ticket on the Document Accessibility Consulting service.
URP online
If you have not found the information you were looking for or if you want to contact the University of Trento for some other reason, please submit your request at the public relations office via email: [email protected]
The regular email is the main instrument for written communication via the Internet.
Different from PEC, the email does not guarantee the message integrity, the sender identity, the date of transmission, the certainty of the receipt.
The receipt notice or reading confirmation the user can set in his regular email client have not legal-evidential value.
In case of dispute in front of a court of law, the emails can be freely considered as evidence by the judge also if they have not the value of a certainty.
It is an email system fit to provide the guarantees the regular email is not able to ensure, as it is equivalent to a registered letter with return-receipt: it guarantees, in fact, the integrity of the message, the date of transmission, and the certainty of the receipt, by employing receipts the law recognises as evidence.
As for the return-receipt registered letter, the PEC must be used to communicate in electronic format when it is necessary to have proof of dispatch and delivery.
The PEC-ID id the certified electronic mailbox the agency issues to the holder, subject to identification of the holder carried out following the technical rules enacted with the D.P.C.M. September 27, 2012.
The PEC-ID is granted exclusively to the holder.
- if you have a PEC you can write to the University of Trento PEC address ([email protected]), always attaching a copy of your ID;
- if you have a PEC and the digital signature you can submit your request by using this procedure, so the University of Trento will have the certainty of your identity and of your signature and certainty of the integrity of the document;
- if you have a PEC-ID you can write to the University PEC ([email protected]) without attaching an ID;
- if you do not have a certified email address you may submit inquiries and documents to the University of Trento by the habitual means (registered letter, fax, carrier) or by going in person to the competent offices;
- if you want to contact the University informally, you can write a regular email at the address [email protected] or at the competent office address available on the university portal.
You can write to the University PEC ([email protected]) by ideally using the digital signature, which is suggested for all official digital documents.
You must use the University PEC ([email protected]) when sending documents which have to be mandatorily signed with digital signature (e.g. conventions, contracts between public administrations).
- if as PA you are federated within the management protocol and document system P.I.Tre, you can use the channel of simplified interoperability (or interoperability P.I.Tre) available with the software;
- you cannot use fax to communicate with other PAs.
The petitions and declarations submitted to the University of Trento are legitimate if:
- signed with digital signature or qualified digital signature, the certification of which are, in both cases, granted by an accredited agency;
- sent via certified email (PEC) with attached the scan of the copy of the petition/declaration signed by the concerned party and copy of the ID of the signatory;
- sent by the holder through his own certified email, as long as the access credentials have been granted upon identification of the holder (PEC-ID);
- the author is identified by the electronic system, utilised by the University of Trento, by using the electronic ID or the national services card, or by other identification instruments established by the administration following the current regulations.
The certified email (PEC) is an official communication instrument to be use soley in Italy. The foreign citizen may submit official documents to the University of Trento certified email address by sending from his regular email, and attaching copy of the signed document and copy of his ID with authentic signature.
Submitted documents must be created in compliance with the standards included in schedule 2 of the technical rules on digital preservation (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 3 December 2013) and on the creation of digital documents (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 13 November 2014). The file digitally signed may also show an additional extension (relating to digital signature or time stamp) compared to the original one (e.g. .PDF.P7M).
Possible working copies in different formats (.doc, .xls, etc.) are accepted only if added to the version of the same document produced in one of the admitted formats.
Compressed files, at the moment, are accepted while waiting for the suitable technical verifications related to storage.
NB: We like to remind that sending large dimension documents (over 20 MB) is not guaranteed, as such dimensional parameter establishes the limit in which the today infrastructure can insure the correct data flow.
If a revenue stamp is required in the document to be submitted, the same may show by quoting in the submission the details present on the revenue stamp itself, or by scanning the telematic token.