The university public assembly, provided for by the statute of the University of Trento, is an important opportunity for discussion between the university and local communities. It is convened by the president of the university board of directors to illustrate the university's activities to local stakeholders and collect their evaluations and suggestions about plans for development. In fact, through this assembly, the university intends to foster an increasingly close synergy between the institution and the territory, a necessary condition for facing the challenges of the near future.
The 2024 university public assembly was entirely dedicated to the theme of Medicine and Health. Four years after the start of the inter-university master's degree course in medicine and surgery, the university decided to reflect on the perception, impact and added value that medical research and healthcare training bring to the well-being of society as a whole by sharing assessments and proposals on the experience so far and on future directions.
In view of the upcoming assembly, the president of the university board of directors, Daniele Finocchiaro, convened a preparatory forum of the main stakeholders on Tuesday 9 July 2024 in which a debate on the topic was started, and which also gathered ideas regarding the future impact of the School of Medicine and Surgery. This forum was the first authentic opportunity for discussion between all the stakeholders involved in the local health system. The following people participated, in alphabetical order:
Giulia Berloffa, Director of the School of Specific Training in General Medicine of Trento
Luca Comper, General Manager of the Organization, Personnel and Innovation Department and Interim Manager of the Department of Health and Social Policies of PAT
Barbara Cristofolini, President of the Order of Medical Radiology Technicians and of the Technical, Rehabilitation and Prevention Health Professions
Giovanni de Pretis, Councillor of the Order of Physicians
Flavio Deflorian, Rector of the University of Trento
Francesca Demichelis, Deputy Vice-Rector with responsibility for Research at the University of Trento
Livia Ferrario, General Director of the Municipality of Trento
Antonio Ferro, General Director of the Provincial Health Services Authority of Trento
Daniele Finocchiaro, President of the Board of Directors of the University of Trento
Franco Ianeselli, Mayor of the Municipality of Trento
Olivier Jousson, Director of the Interdepartmental Center for Medical Sciences
Pier Francesco Nocini, Rector of the University of Verona
Alex Pellacani, General Director of the University of Trento
Laura Pedron, General Director of the Department of Economic Development, Research and Work of PAT
Daniel Pedrotti, President of the Order of Nursing Professions
Giulia Robol, Mayor of the Municipality of Rovereto
Mattia Rutilli, Student Representative of the Inter-University Course of Study in Medicine and Surgery
Lorenzo Trevisiol, President of the Inter-University School of Medicine and Surgery
Annalisa Trianni, Vice President of the College of Head Physicians
Mario Tonina, Councilor for Health, Social Policies and Cooperation of the PAT
Achille Spinelli, Councillor for Economic Development, Work, University and Research of PAT
Paola Venuti, Vice Rector for Teaching at the University of Trento
The forum participants were invited to a conversation with the university considering the following three questions:
- What steps can be taken by the University of Trento to increase the positive impact of the integration of the university and the health system? What are the most important points to consider?
- As its representative, what can your organization do to encourage greater interaction with the university and facilitate a clearer positive impact on the territory of the School of Medicine?
- What could be the real positive effects of greater integration and interaction between the actors of the health system on citizens in the next 5 years? How could the positive impact of this collaboration be measured?
The discussion covered topics such as the integration of the University of Trento with the local health system, the recruitment of doctors and nurses, research and innovation in the medical field, the importance of prevention, human resources management, the valorization of health professions and the need to attract talent from abroad. The transformation of the Provincial Health Services Authority into an Integrated University Health Authority of Trentino (ASUIT), the locations for the new hospital complex and for the School of Medicine and Surgery, and student services were also discussed.
The Public Assembly of the University of Trento was held on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at the Auditorium of Palazzo Prodi. The meeting, chaired and moderated by Daniele Finocchiaro, President of the Board of Directors of the University, was opened by the speeches of the Vice-Rector for Research Francesca Demichelis, the Director of Cismed, Olivier Jousson and the President of the School of Medicine and Surgery, Lorenzo Trevisiol. These were followed by a round table discussion with the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti, the Rector Flavio Deflorian, the Rector of the University of Verona Pier Francesco Nocini and the General Director of Apss Antonio Ferro.
The discussion started with the results of a survey conducted by the university with the support of the UniCittà Protocol, and with the scientific supervision of Ivano Bison, regarding the citizens’ perception of the medical project.
In particular, it was asked how much the School of Medicine at the University of Trento could contribute in the future to meeting the health needs of the community, especially in anticipation of an increase in demand for health care due to an aging population.
According to the survey, 78% of the interviewees believe that the School of Medicine will contribute to meeting health needs (to a large extent for 37.1% and to a fair extent for 40.7%). The majority of respondents think that the existence of the School of Medicine will contribute to improving care (76%), access to health services (68%) and innovating the health system (78%). Furthermore, 85% of the interviewees believe that the School will strengthen the reputation of the university and Trentino, while almost 90% believe that it will encourage local young people to enter the health professions. Medical research and innovation are considered essential to improve the health system, quality of life and prevention and treatment practices (85%).
The Assembly concluded with questions from the audience in the room.
For more information on the meeting, see the press release (italian version).