As a UniTrento student enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral programme you have the opportunity to obtain a scholarship to spend a period of between 2 and 6 months at an institution, research body, company or other type of host organisation based outside Italy.
For traineeships during your studies, UniTrento guarantees the recognition of educational activities undertaken during the period abroad and agreed upon before departure in the Learning Agreement for Traineeship (TA), and certified by the host organisation at the end of the mobility period in the Traineeship Certificate.
In order to participate, you must read the selection call carefully and verify that you possess the necessary requirements, which will vary depending on your course of study and on whether it is an undergraduate or postgraduate traineeship. There are however:
- requirements to be admitted to a traineeship: the programme allows funding for traineeships with a commitment of at least 32 hours a week and which last for a minimum of 60 consecutive days, with a physical stay in the country of the host organisation;
- academic requirements: the compatibility of the traineeship with your course of study must be certified by the supervising tutor at UniTrento;
- language requirements: you must show that you have at least a B1 level (CEFR) of the language used at the host organisation, and this must be certified as instructed in the call;
- student progress requirements: when you apply to the programme you must already have earned a certain number of ECTS (academic credits) depending on your course of study and you must have a weighted grade average of at least 24/30 in Esse3.
You can do your traineeship at organisations around the world, outside Italy. The choice of the host organisation is free: you can contact the organisation where you wish to do your traineeship independently and negotiate your traineeship with them as long as it respects the requirements of the programme.
All exchange programmes with Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Israel have been suspended for safety reasons.
If you apply for a traineeship in countries which are signed up to the Erasmus+ programme, or in the UK or Switzerland, you can do the traineeship at universities which hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), research institutes, public and private enterprises, NGOs. Institutions and UE bodies which are excluded, including the Agencies, are listed at the following Europen Union link.
To have some idea of the destinations available, consult the map of traineeships completed in the past by students from each university campus: you can create a filter for your course of study.
- Map of traineeships Rovereto campus
- Map of traineeships Povo-Mesiano campus
- Map of traineeships City campus
If you wish to look for an opportunity among the offers made to UniTrento, search in the Drive folders below:
List of traineeship offers from UniTrento partners - Europe
Lista of traineeship offers from other entities - Europe
When choosing the organisation for your traineeship you should consider:
- the chance to benefit from priority access to institutions which belong to the ECIU network;
- the Digital Opportunity Traineeships initiative where the EU promotes traineeships in the digital field (e.g. app development, software, scripts, websites, data analysis, digital security, cloud computing, quantistic and artificial intelligence, etc) listed here ErasmusIntern;
- offers of traineeships received from long-term partner institutions of UniTrento and other organisations or companies, and therefore subject to your evaluation. In both cases, you are invited to contact the organisation directly
- calls for applications from the MAECI-MUR-Italian University Internship Programme, which offer positions in embassies, permanent representations at international organizations, consulates, delegations and Italian Cultural Institutes-IICs;
- the JobGuidance service, they can help you finding other internship opportunities.
Applications are accepted from the first to the last day of the month. At the end of each month, the Office for International Mobility verifies that the application requirements have been fulfilled and publishes a list of those admitted to the programme by the 15th of the following month. Your internship must start at least 45 days after your application deadline has passed.
You will have to attach to your application:
- a letter of approval from your UniTrento supervisor;
- a letter of acceptance from the host organisation abroad.
If you intend to undertake a postgraduate traineeship you must send your application when you are still a ‘student’, which means at the latest, the day before your graduation.
The online application must be completed by the last day of each month at 23:59 PM (Italian time).
If the internship takes place in countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme, in the United Kingdom, or in Switzerland, the mobility must end:
- for applications submitted before February: by 31 july 2025;
- for applications submitted after March: it can end later.
If you have been accepted you have the right to a scholarship:
- traineeship during studies: up to a maximum of 4 months;
- post-graduation traineeship: up to a maximum of 3 months.
If your destination is in one of the Erasmus+ countries, or the UK or Switzerland, the sum will be between 400 and 500 euro a month (call 2024). You may also receive a supplementary sum of 250 euro a month if you come under one of the categories defined in the programme as ‘students with fewer opportunities’, where your income is taken into account primarily. Check whether you qualify for supplementary financial support as a ‘student with fewer opportunities’.
If your destination is in one of the other countries around the world, the grant will be for 700 euro a month. 100% of the scholarship will be paid within two months of the start of the mobility period. You may also receive a supplementary sum of 250 euro a month if you come under one of the categories defined in the programme as ‘students with fewer opportunities’, where your income is taken into account primarily.
You will have to repay the scholarship if you do not do the traineeship, if you curtail the period abroad within the first two months of the mobility, or if the host organisation does not certify completion of the traineeship in the Traineeship Certificate.
We invite you to use sustainable means of transport to reach your destination to limit the impact of your exchange on the environment: if your exchange is in an Erasmus+ country, or the UK or Switzerland, you may have additional days recognised for your travel and a lump sum. All the information can be found on the Green Travel page.
If you are an international student assigned to accommodation by the University Housing Service, you will need to vacate it at the time of departure, and it will not be guaranteed upon your return from international mobility.
Download the document below and follow the step-by-step instructions.
This document is temporarily available in Italian.