Who can apply?

Applications are welcome from UJA students who:

  • are enrolled in the 4th year of the four-year Bachelor's degree Grado en Filología Hispánica and fulfilled the credit requirements of the first three years;
  • have a grade point average (GPA) of 7/10;
  • have an A2 level of Italian (proven in the selection interview).
What will you study?

Candidates can apply for the Master's degree in Letterature Euroamericane, Traduzione e Critica Letteraria at the Department of Humanities.

Duration, organisation and tuition fees

The programme runs for 2 semesters

Courses are taught in Italian and Spanish.

UJA students participating in the double degree programme who do not hold an undergraduate degree (which is required to enrol in a Master's course) will be admitted as exchange students to the 1st and 2nd year of the "Laurea Magistrale in Letterature eroamericane, traduzione e critica letteraria". 

While at UniTrento, UJA students must be awarded 60 credits, which will be transferrred to achieve the 240 credits required to be awarded the "Grado en Filología Hispánica" from UJ and enrol in the one-year "Máster Universitario en Lengua Española y Literatura: Investigación y Aplicaciones Profesionales" at UJA. 

Upon graduating from the "Máster Universitario en Lengua Española y Literatura: Investigación y Aplicaciones Profesionales" at UJA, the participants will be awarded the "Laurea Magistrale in Letterature euroamericane, traduzione e critica letteraria" from UniTrento.

Students participating in the programme pay their tuition fees to UJA and must also purchase 3 tax stamps of 16 euro each for administrative procedures (available from post offices, banks and tobacconists).

Thesis and qualifications

The final thesis shall be co-supervised by professors of both institutions and written and and defended at UJA.

The thesis committee should include a member from UniTrento.

At the end of the programme, the students obtain:

  • the Grado en Filología Hispánica (Bachelor's degree) from UJA, after successful completion of the mobility at UniTrento and the transfer of 60 ECTS for a total amount of 240 ECTS; 
  • the "Máster Universitario en Lengua Española y Literatura: Investigación y Aplicaciones Profesionales" from UJA; and, after they have been awarded the Spanish qualification: 
  • the Laurea Magistrale in Letterature euroamericane, traduzione e critica letteraria, from UniTrento.

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