The key to a successful internationalization strategy is to build strategic partnerships. To achieve this goals and strengthen its profile and reputation, over the years the University of Trento has joined many renowned networks that include organizations with which it cooperates through agreements and joint projects.
A network of relations
- The Rectors´ Conference of the Universities of the Alps-Adriatic Region (AARC) Founded in 1979, it comprises more than 40 universities and higher education institutions. The University of Trento is one of its founding members and presided it in 2004 and from April 2019 until today. Professor Maurizio Manzin (Faculty of Law) is the Doyen of the Conference. The purpose of the organization is to facilitate relations among universities and research institutions, at regional or transnational level, and to promote future-oriented cooperation in science, education, art.
- ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) A network of more than 80 European and South-East Asian universities from 19 countries with the goal of promoting the continuous internationalisation of education and research.
- EUREGIO The universities of Trento, Bolzano-Bozen and Innsbruck join forces to promote student mobility and exchanges and promote research in the area of Tyrol (Austria), Bolzano-Bozen (South Tyrol, Italy) and Trento (Trentino, Italy). The activities of the three universities are supported by the Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano and Trento and by Land Tyrol.
- ECIU-European Cosortium of Innovative Universities An international consortium of 13 research-intensive universities, focused on collaboration in innovative teaching, research and knowledge exchange activity. The members are dedicated to ensuring a culture of innovation and to providing a catalytic role for innovation in business and society at large.
- ESST-European Master’s Programme of Teaching and Research in Social Studies of Science, Technologyy and Innovation A unique European network of researchers in the social sciences and humanities.
- EUA-European University Association The organisation representing universities and national rectors’ conferences in 47 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation.
- Global Education: Exchanges for Engineeers and Entrepreneurs (Ge4) An international non-profit network of universities that work independently with the main purpose of connecting academic engineering and management institutions worldwide.
- OENOVITI International The largest oenology and viticulture research community, launched in 2010 and coordinated by Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV) of the University of Bordeaux. With 70 partners all around the world, the purpose of the organization is to develop and extend the oenology and viticulture field with academics, research centres and industrial partners to the international level.
- TIME-Top International Managers in Engineering A network of leading technical universities and engineering schools founded in 1989. The members have a strong international dimension in their research, teaching and industrial relations, and are all committed to international cooperation and student exchanges and recognition of studies abroad. The association consists of 56 members in 24 countries.
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