UniTrento is part of national university networks focused on development cooperation or related themes. These networks are promoted by the CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors.
Since 2020, the University of Trento has been the coordinator of the CUCS (University Coordination for Development Cooperation) which aims to strengthen the synergies among universities engaged in development cooperation, and to promote dialogue between academia, civil society and institutions. The CUCS aims to broaden intervention planning capacities and to spread the culture of cooperation and development as a sort of Third Millennium Civic Education.
Scholars At Risks is an international network of institutions and individuals with a mission to protect students and promote academic freedom. The University of Trento has been part of the Scholars at Risk-Italy network since 2019, and is part of the national coordination together with the University of Padova. The network promotes joint initiatives to protect scholars at risk and academic freedom in general, through hospitality, awareness-raising, research and advocacy activities. The goal is to join forces to support those who no longer have the opportunity to do research and teach in their own country due to threats, intimidation, arrests and violations of fundamental human rights.
Promoted by the CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors since July 2015, the RUS – University Network for Sustainable Development is the first experience of coordination and sharing among all Italian universities involved in issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility
At the local level, the University of Trento is a founding member of the CCI - Centre for International Cooperation, a non-profit and independent association engaged in the analysis, information, education and promotion of knowledge on matters of international cooperation, European affairs, peace and human rights.
The University of Trento is also home to student associations (or local branches of international associations) for which international cooperation for sustainable development is an integral part or in any case relevant to its mission.
Ingegneria Senza Frontiere (Engineering Without Borders) Trento is a charitable organization that aims to promote collaboration between developed and developing countries to design, implement and disseminate engineering practices and techniques for individuals and communities.
There are also student associations that focus on themes of cooperation and sustainable development, such as AIESEC which offers internships and volunteering experiences abroad, as well as ESN that helps Erasmus students adapt to life in Trentino by organizing social events.
Enactus Italy is a not for profit organization that, with its global network, is one of the largest experiential learning platforms in the world. It brings together students, citizens and academics with the aim of preparing the next generation of leaders for the challenges of the future, to create a better and more sustainable world.