The University of Trento pursues its institutional purposes, including research, respecting the personal data of each individual.
It acts in compliance with the EU regulation of 27 April 2016, n. 679, “General Data Protection Regulation” (“GDPR”), with the relevant national legislation (privacy law) as well as with the guidelines and practices of European and national guarantors.
The processing of personal data is based on compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, relevance, minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity and confidentiality, accountability. Appropriate technical and organizational measures are adopted to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk.
Regulatory Framework
For more information regarding privacy requirements in scientific research activities, visit the dedicated page on the UniTrento Service Desk Attività di ricerca scientifica: Adempimenti privacy
For support in verifying research compliance, visit the dedicated page on the UniTrento Service Desk: Research compliance of funded research projects.