UniTrento has a strategy for developing and implementing sustainable actions in a wide range of areas of university life, including international mobility.
The University has adopted various initiatives to support and promote sustainable practices, both among incoming and outgoing students and teaching staff in the mobility programmes, and not only within the Erasmus+ programme, but within all the university’s mobility programmes, to try to reduce the impact of travel.
Everyone is called on to do their part through their actions and individual behaviours. All students and personnel participating in the mobility programmes can adopt simple practices and attitudes which are respectful of the Earth, to help and protect the environment.
These initiatives will have a high profile within the UniTrento community. Discover the new UniTrento campaign for energy saving: Reduce your use.
Read the UniTrento Green Guide
The International Relations Division, in collaboration with the Green Office, is promoting a series of activities on sustainability for incoming and outgoing students.
The Green Guide provides tips and inspiration to reduce the impact of your Erasmus+ mobility to Trento or for your travel abroad. These initiatives support and promote the UN goals of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the values of the European Union.

Tips for sustainable international mobility:
- is there anything you can do online?
- Does your trip take less than 8 hours? If so, we strongly encourage you to travel by train;
- Is your plane trip really necessary?
- Are you aware of the carbon footprint of your international mobility experience?
- Choose the greenest option.
Measure your carbon footprint
You can easily calculate the carbon footprint of your trip.
There are many free online tools that help you calculate your emissions, including Erasmus goes green!
Green Travel
If you are on mobility within the Erasmus+ programme in European countries you can benefit from a Green Travel Top-Up if you choose to use low-emissiontransportation options, such as a train or a bus to reach your destination and come back. The financial contribution of 50 euro is added to the amount of the scholarship and is only valid for round trips.
Erasmus+ Interrail Pass
If you are participating in the Erasmus programme as a student or employee and choose to travel by train, you can use the Interrail Pass for Erasmus+, which allows you to reach your destination and come back, and to explore your host country. More information on the dedicated website.
Your train trip can be fun, shared and affordable!
Join the Go2RAIL community to make your study experience unforgettable from the moment you leave home.
Take advantage of the Go2Rail promo code and buy your train ticket with a 10%-20% discount, for trips in France and Italy, on the lowest price available for Frecciarossa, Frecciargento and Frecciabianca trains. To obtain the promo code:
- go to www.go2rail.eu;
- fill in the form using your @unitrento email;
- follow the instructions you'll receive in your mailbox, with the discount codes and link to Trenitalia.

Check out what the Autonomous Province of Trento has to offer:
- Libera circolazione: a pass for local public transport. This is a very affordable travel pass for students and PhD students of the University of Trento;
- Bike sharing Trentino e.motion: a service that aims to encourage people to use bikes and e-bikes;
- Trento Smart City: a project that aims to improve the quality of life in Trento while preserving the unique heritage and characteristics of the city.
Sustainable food
Choose sustainable options. If you choose fair trade products you support farmers and workers in developing countries, and environmentally-responsible farms.
Get involved
Take part in a challenge, in-person or online, and help create solutions to fight global warming. You can join local environmental projects and by supporting these initiatives, you will get to know the local culture and become part of the community.
Participate in awareness-raising initiatives
With your actions and choices, you can make a real impact and help raise awareness on environmental issues and sustainability in your host city.
Swaplace Sanbàpolis
Let's say you have just moved into your new dorm and you need a drying rack. Or you are leaving your dorm for a period of study abroad and you don't know what to do with your bowls and plates.
Try Swaplace Sanbàpolis, a space designed to give a second life to the objects used by the guests of the Opera Universitaria residence halls. Here you can find stuff you may find useful in your student life. Swaplace will be open to the public once a month. To participate, fill out this online form.
Green free time
Take part in our initiatives to promote a sustainable lifestyle among your friends and reduce the environmental impact of your Erasmus experience. It can be a great way to build a network of relationships that will enrich your learning experience abroad.

Become a green ambassador!
Studying abroad can help you develop several skills that you cannot learn in the classroom: you will learn to understand different cultures, think globally, see things from different perspectives. You will also strengthen your communication skills, learn to be more empathetic thanks to the connections you have created.
Your awareness of environmental issues can be more powerful than you think. By participating in two of our awareness-raising initiatives, you can become a green ambassador!
Find out about our initiatives!
Past events
- Welcome Week at Lake Caldonazzo
Spend an afternoon paddling, dragon boating, rowing and sailing at the University's Augsburgerhof Nautical Centre on Lake Caldonazzo.
The event is one of the many activities organized by UniTrento for its community of international students to raise awareness on the importance of adopting a sustainable lifestyle and reduce our carbon footprint.
- 6 September 2024;
- 13 September 2024.
Water green sports event
at the University's Augsburgerhof Nautical Centre on Lake Caldonazzo
14 June 2024
Snowshoeing on Monte Bondone.
An afternoon discovering the astonishing beauty of the mountain landscape while enjoying the best international company!
- Green activities at the lake. The initiative is part of the Erasmus+ Green programme which aim is to raise awareness about the human impact on the environment. An opportunity to do water sports like paddle boarding, dragon boating and sailing, and enjoy the natural beauty of Trentino.
MaGIC International Mobility: Green, Innovative, Challenging”, from 7 to 11 May 2023
An event to create networking opportunities and share best practices. The programme included workshops and discussion sessions on innovative learning methodologies, microcredentials, challenge-based learning case studies, sustainable and green mobility, and more.#ErasmusDays UniTrento 2022
Make mobility more sustainable and reduce the impact on the organizing institution.
International Staff Week - (12-17 June 2022)
Possible solutions for sustainability issues at UniTrento.
A guided tour of Museo Civico di Rovereto
A focus on climate change and how the food we eat influences the environment.
- Welcome Week - 2 eventi Green al lago di Caldonazzo
Un pomeriggio presso il centro nautico universitario Augsburgerhof per provare attività acquatiche come kayak, canoa, dragon boat, canottaggio e vela sullo splendido lago di Caldonazzo.
L'evento è una delle tante attività green rivolte agli studenti internazionali per aumentare la consapevolezza tra i partecipanti sull'importanza di adottare comportamenti sostenibili per ridurre l'impatto sulla città ospitante.
- 6 settembre 2024;
- 13 settembre 2024.
- "Water green sports event" presso il centro nautico universitario Augsburgerhof , venerdì 14 giugno 2024.
- Ciaspolata sul Monte Bondone. Un pomeriggio alla scoperta della sorprendente bellezza del paesaggio montano locale con studenti e studentesse internazionali.
- Attività green al lago di Caldonazzo. L'iniziativa fa parte del programma Erasmus+ GREEN il cui scopo è quello di aumentare la consapevolezza sull'impatto che abbiamo come individuo sulla Terra. L'evento, dedicato a studenti/studentesse incoming, è stata un'incredibile opportunità per praticare sport acquatici come paddle boarding/SUP, dragon boat, canoa e vela e godersi la bellezza naturale del territorio Trentino.
- International Staff Week “MaGIC International Mobility: Green, Innovative, Challenging”, che si è svolta dal 7 all'11 maggio 2023.
Questo evento ha creato opportunità di rete e condivisione di best practice. Il programma includeva workshops e sessioni su modi innovativi di apprendere e realizzare esperienze internazionali: approcci alle microcredenziali, casi di studio di apprendimento basato sulle sfide, mobilità sostenibile e green. - #ErasmusDays UniTrento 2022: evento dedicato alla mobilità sostenibile e incentrato su come ridurre l'impatto del proprio spostamento sull'ente e sul territorio ospitante.
- International Staff Week - (12-17 giugno 2022): proposta di soluzioni riguardanti la sostenibilità in UniTrento.
- Visita guidata alla sezione del Museo Civico di Rovereto dedicata ai cambiamenti climatici e al laboratorio “La tua cena conta!”. La visita ha riscosso un grande successo tra i partecipanti che hanno imparato, attraverso un'attività pratica, come il cibo che si mangia influenza l'ambiente.
Find out about the initiatives organized by the ESN in Trento on green and sustainable mobility.
Past events
- 18 January 2024: Thrift Market;
- 27 January 2024: Thrift Market;
- Second-Hand Market, 29 June 2023;
- Clean up day, 16 April 2023;
- Swap Party, 18 September 2024.
- 18 gennaio 2024: Thrift Market - dalle 17.30 alle 21.00 nella sede ESN Trento;
- 27 gennaio 2024: Thrift Market - dalle 09.00 alle 21.00 nella sede ESN Trento;
- Second-Hand Market, 29 giugno 2023;
- Clean up day - Raccolta mozziconi, 16 aprile 2023
- Swap Party il 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 18:00 presso la Bookique, via Torre D'Augusto, 29 Trento.