Facilitations for open access publishing

The authors of the University of Trento who wish to publish their article in open access can take advantage of discounts or facilitations (called “tokens” or “vouchers”) on the payment of the APC (Article Processing Charge). This is possible thanks to the agreements that have been negotiated with several publishers by the dedicated CARE group of the CRUI.

The University of Trento also signed the SCOAP3 agreement that regulates the open access publication of research results relating to the field of particle physics.

For more information: [email protected] 

Transformative agreements

Transformative agreements are contracts stipulated between publishers and institutions (also through negotiating consortia, such as CARE). They aim to convert the current Pay per view model (only reading access to scientific journals) into the Read & Publish model. The latter model allows authors of these institutions to publish in open access in hybrid journals of international publishers at no additional cost. In fact, these expenses are already included in the cost of the contract, until the available vouchers are used up. Hybrid journals are journals that can contain both open and closed access articles.

How to take advantage of the facilitations 

Per usufruire delle agevolazioni indicate nei contratti trasformativi, l’autore o l’autrice (il corresponding author) devono essere formalmente affiliati all’Università di Trento ed appartenere alle seguenti categorie: Docenti e ricercatori di ruolo, Ricercatori a tempo determinato, Personale Tecnico Amministrativo, Dottorandi, Assegnisti di ricerca. 
Ogni editore ha implementato nel proprio iter di accettazione degli articoli specifiche procedure volte a segnalare al corresponding author la possibilità di pubblicare ad accesso aperto nell’ambito di tali contratti. 
L’appartenenza all’Università di Trento è oggetto di verifica preliminare alla pubblicazione dell’articolo e, pertanto, si raccomanda al corresponding author di indicare nella piattaforma editoriale l’indirizzo email istituzionale La procedura di verifica di detta affiliazione viene avviata dall’editore e condotta dall’Approval Manager di Ateneo. Oltre alla verifica dell’affiliazione, andrà anche verificato che siano ancora disponibili voucher prepagati per quell’editore.

To take advantage of the facilitations foreseen by the transformative agreements, the corresponding author of the article must be formally affiliated with the University of Trento and belong to one of the following categories: full professors, associate professors, researchers, research fellows, PhD students, administrative and technical staff.

Each publisher has implemented its own procedures in the articles acceptance process aimed at signalling to the corresponding author the possibility of open access publishing with such facilitations.
In order to get the facilitation for the article, membership to the University of Trento is subject to preliminary verification. Therefore, we recommend corresponding authors to indicate on the editorial platform their institutional email address @ The person appointed for the verification is called the Approval Manager of the University. The Approval Manager also verifies that prepaid vouchers are still available for that publisher.

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