Applications are welcome from students who:
- are enrolled in the Master's degree in Energy Engineering at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC);
- have already earned at least 60 credits; and
- have a B2 level of English.
Candidates can apply for the Master's degree in Energy Engineering jointly offered by UniTrento and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
The programme runs for at least 2 semesters (between 120 and 135 ECTS).
The students participating in the programme must obtain 60 credits from UniTrento, based on a study plan that they must agree with their coordinators.
Any remaining semesters and credits must be fulfilled at UPC, and non-native Italian speakers must take an exam of technical Italian language within the end of their mobility.
All classes are taught in English.
Students participating in the double degree programme pay the tuition fees to UPC.
Students must also purchase 3 tax stamps if 16 euro each for administrative procedures (available from post offices, banks and tobacconists).
The master’s thesis must be co-supervised by an academic tutor of both institutions and carried out in Trento, but exceptions may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
The subject of the master’s thesis must be approved in writing by a faculty member of both institutions.
The thesis can be defended either in Italy or in Spain, but the thesis committee should include at least one member from the other institution.
At the end of the programme, the students obtain:
- a Laurea Magistrale interateneo in Energy Engineering from UniTrento and UniBz; and
- a Master's degree in Energy Engineering (MENERG) from UPC (ETSEIB).