
The Université de Franche-Comté (UFC), created in Dole in 1423, was moved to Besançon in 1691 by decision of King Louis XIV.

The Faculty of Arts was the only one at that time. It was only in 1845 that the university developed with the creation of the Faculty of Sciences, currently called Unité de Formation et Recherce (UFR) en Science du Language, de l'Homme et de la Société (SLHS) within which it is offered the License en Langues Etrangères Appliquées (LEA). The UFR counts over 4,300 students.

Who can apply?

Applications are welcome from UniTrento students enrolled in the second year of the Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages who:

  • have earned at least 90 ECTS on their programme;
  • have a weighted average of at least 24/30;
  • have a B2 level of French (must have passed "Lingua Francese II", 130330 , by July).

These requirements will be evaluated during the application procedure, between August and early September.

Always check the correctness of the information and any updates in the UniTrento call and on the partner's website.

Duration, organisation and tuition fees

The mobility lasts 2 semesters (60 credits) from October.

The study plan must be agreed and approved with both the supervisors. It may be useful to take certain second-year exams during your first year (you can arrange this with your supervisor).

The courses are taught in French.

Students participating in the double degree programme pay their tuition fees to UniTrento.

Titolo Documenti in cartella
Useful documents
Thesis and qualifications

The thesis must be discussed at UniTrento bust must be supervised by professors from the two institutions.

At the end of the programme, the students obtain:

  • a Licence en Langues Etrangères Appliquées from UFC, and

  • a Laurea in Lingue Moderne from UniTrento.



Video Andrea Thaler - testimonial UFC

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