Applications are welcome from students who:
- are enrolled in the Bachelor's degrees in Wirtschaftswissenschaften or Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen or in the Master's degrees in Betriebswirtschaftslehre or Volkswirtschaftslehre;
- have a B1 level of Italian (for undergraduates) or a B2 (for Master's applicants);
- have a B2 level of English.
Please note that students participating in this double degree programme cannot apply for scholarships awarded by Opera Universitaria.
Candidates can apply for one of the following courses at the Department of Economics and Management:
- a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Management or Business Administration, or
- a Master's Degree in Management or Finance.
The programme duration is 2 semesters.
The courses of the Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management are in English. All other courses are taught in Italian.
Students participating in the double degree programme pay the tuition fees to TUD.
Students must also purchase 3 tax stamps if 16 euro each for administrative procedures (available from post offices, banks and tobacconists).
The final thesis must be discussed at UniTrento and co-supervised by one professor from each institution.
At the end of the double degree course students will be awarded:
- a Bachelor's degree in Wirtschaftswissenschaften or Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen; or a Master's degree in Betriebswirtschaftslehre or Volkswirtschaftslehre from TUD;
- a Laurea in Gestione Aziendale or in Economia e Management; or a Laurea magistrale in Finanza or in Management from UniTrento.