Founded in 1828 and a UniTrento partner for over 20 years, the Civil Engineering Faculty (Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen) at TUD boasts a rich tradition. Johann Andreas Schubert, Claus Koepcke, Otto Mohr and Kurt Beyer worked here and contributed to the reputation of this institution. Today, the faculty has 1800 students and thanks to its small scale has an optimal ratio of teaching staff to students.
TU Dresden is one of the largest employers in Dresden with over 8000 employees including teaching staff, administrative staff and researchers, who all contribute to the mission of educating young people for a future in science, the economy and society, and also as future university employees. Its motto is: science builds bridges.
In addition to the good employment prospects for graduates in engineering, double degree holders can aspire to top roles in international companies with strong cross-border links: Germany and Italy have a strong reciprocal commercial relationship and knowledge of German is therefore a key requirement for many companies in the north of Italy, especially in South Tyrol, which is well-integrated with the economy of central Europe.
Applications are welcome from UniTrento students enrolled in the first year of the master’s programme in Civil Engineering with a B2 level of German who:
- have earned all the credits for the first year of the master’s;
- have a weighted grade average of at least 25/30
Always check the correctness of the information and any updates on the UniTrento call and on the partner's website.
The programme runs for at least 3 semesters (90 credits), which can be extended for one more semester if the thesis is completed abroad (a further 30 credits).
The length of the master’s programme for those doing a double degree is 3 years (180 credits, of which 30 for an internship if possible, and 30 for the final thesis).
Each student must present an ad hoc study plan which must be agreed and approved in advance by both institutions and sent to the host university at least one month before the beginning of the mobility period.
Any modification must be agreed by the partners.
The majority of courses are taught in German while only a few are taught in English.
Students participating in the double degree programme continue to pay their tuition fees only to UniTrento.
TUD requires a mandatory payment for supplementary services (which include concessions for public transport) of about 300 euro per semester.
The thesis must be supervised by academics from both institutions and can be discussed at UniTrento or at TUD. It must be written in the language of the university where it is discussed or in English.
At the end of the programme, students will be awarded two distinct qualifications:
- a Laurea magistrale in Engineering from UniTrento, and
- a Diplom-Ingenieur im Bauingenieurwesen from TUD.