TU Dresden is one of the top universities in Germany offering a wide range of seminars and courses in areas that complement and supplement the training offered by UniTrento. Since it is a 20-year partner of UniTrento, many university professors collaborate at the teaching and research level with colleagues from TU Dresden, this favours the integration of double degree students in a fruitful study and research environment.
Participation in the Double Degree programme allows students to diversify and enrich their university education, acquire different study methods and achieve excellent language skills in German.
This programme is available at both Bachelor's and Master's level.
For undergraduates, applications are welcome from UniTrento students enrolled in the second year of a Bachelor's programme in:
- Economics and Management
- Business Management
At Master's level, applications are welcome from UniTrento students enrolled in the third year of the above-mentioned Bachelor's programmes or in the first year of the Master's in:
- Finance
- Management
In both cases, applicants must have a B2 level of German and English and a weighted average of at least 24/30.
These requirements will be evaluated during the application procedure, between August and early September.
Always check the correctness of the information and any updates in the UniTrento call and on the partner's website.
The mobility lasts 2 semesters (60 credits) from October.
The study plan must be agreed and approved with both the supervisors.
It may be useful to take certain exams before leaving for the mobility period (you can arrange this with your supervisor).
Most of the courses are taught in German.
Students participating in the double degree programme pay their tuition fees to UniTrento. TU Dresden requires a mandatory contribution for supplementary services (which includes public transport) of approximately 300 euro for each semester.
The thesis can be written and defended at UniTrento or at TU Dresden, preferably at the host university, and must be supervised by professors from the two institutions.
At the end of the programme, the students obtain:
a Bachelor's degree in Wirtschaftswissenschaften or a Master's degree in Betriebswirtschaftslehre or a Volkswirtschaftslehre from TUD, and
a Laurea in Gestione Aziendale or in Economia e Management or a Laurea magistrale in Finanza or in Management from UniTrento.