Under Horizon Europe Programme, the University of Trento is involved in 95 funded projects + 8 projects as associated partner (data source: FT Portal last update 03/02/2025).
Excellence Science
- TaGaDeDys - Tablet Games for Early Detection and Intervention of Developmental Dyscalculia - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) – Giorgio Vallortigara
- flEAP- Fluid gap Electro-Active-Polymer machines for a new generation of mechatronic systems - Department of Industrial Engineering - Giacomo Moretti
- ATCOM - An Attentional Code for Memory - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) – Roberto Bottini
- EDUPOL - Education policies that work: A context-sensitive ‘big data’ approach - Department of Sociology and social research - Moris Triventi (transferred)
- S-FOAM - Self-Foldable Origami-Architected Metamaterials - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Diego Misseroni
- INSPIRE - Integrated Structural and Probabilistic Approaches for Biological and Epidemiological Systems – Department of Industrial Engineering – Giulia Giordano
- Beyond - Beyond hyperelasticity: a virgin land of extreme materials - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Bigoni
- DELIGHT - Discovering light-induced phases by first-principles material design - Department of Physics - Matteo Calandra Buonaura
- LAUDARE - The Italian Lauda: Disseminating Poetry and Concepts Through Melody (12th-16th centuries) - Department of Humanities - Francesco Zimei
- FeBo - Federalism and Border Management in Greek Antiquity - Department of Humanities - Elena Franchi
- microTOUCH - Transmission of the human microbiome and its impact on health - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
Postdoctoral Fellowships - EF
- plasticOME - The evolution of human gut microbiomes in the plastics era - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - MSCA Fellow: Gloria Fackelmann (supervisor: Nicola Segata)
- MULTI-SOFT - Multi-scale and Multi-physics Modelling of Soft Tissues - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - MSCA Fellow: Du Yangkun (supervisor: Davide Bigoni)
- MULTIMEANS - Multimodal meanings for conceptual communication before and beyond spoken language - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - MSCA Fellow: Ambra Ferrari (supervisor: Eugenio Parise)
- PFV-4-PTAI - Probabilistic Formal Verification for Provably Trustworthy AI - Department of Information engineering and computer science – MSCA Fellow: Paolo Morettin (supervisor: Roberto Sebastiani)
- MOLA - Mobility and Life histories in the Alps - Understanding prehistoric social strategies in mountain environment - Department of Humanities - MSCA Fellow: Giacomo Capuzzo (supervisor: Diego Angelucci)
- LEmobAB - Law Enforcement mobilities Across Borders - School of International Studies (SSI) - MSCA Fellow: Monica Weissensteiner (supervisor: Alessandra Russo)
- RDMFTforbosons - Extending the scope of Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory for bosons - Department of Physics - MSCA Fellow: Carlos Benavides (supervisor: Franco Dal Fovo)
- ZOF - Zona Franca – Ideas of Territory in the Carolingian Empire - Department of Humanities - MSCA Fellow: Katharina von Winckler (supervisor: Giuseppe Albertoni)
- ARIADNE - Artificial intelligence enabled by automatic dynamic exploration of integrated photonic spiking neural networks - Department of Physics - MSCA Fellow: Alessio Lugnan (supervisor: Lorenzo Pavesi)
- BrainCircHD - CircHtt in brain development and Huntington`s Disease: elucidating in vivo brain functions of a novel circular RNA molecule stemming from the Htt locus - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - MSCA Fellow: Jasmin Morandell (supervisor: Marta Biagioli)
- ProSVED - Projection of Security Vulnerabilities caused by Exploits in Dependencies - Department of Information engineering and computer science - MSCA Fellow: Carlos Esteban Budde (supervisor: Fabio Massacci)
Postdoctoral Fellowships - GF
- SECCAPPEA - Structuring Effective Climate Change Agreements through Perfect Procedures: an Experimental Approach - Department of Ecomomics - MSCA Fellow Klaudijo Klaser (supervisor: Luigi Mittone)
- REACTIS - Seismic Risk Reduction and Adaptation for Complex Time-dependent Industrial Systems - MSCA Fellow: Chiara Nardin (supervisor: Marco Broccardo)
Doctoral Networks - Standard
- EFFECT - A European Training Program to Foster the Full Therapeutic Potential of Antisense Technology across Tissues - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) – Michela Alessandra Denti
- ANT - Embedded AI Systems and Applications - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Paolo Casari
- CherISH - Cochlear implants and spatial hearing: Enabling access to the next dimension of hearing - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Francesco Pavani
- GET-IN - The GEne Therapy INnovation Training Network - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Anna Cereseto
- REWORLDING - Reworlding: Repositioning Participatory Design to Tackle Socio-Environmental Challenges - Department of Sociology and social research - Chiara Bassetti
- 6thSense - Joint Communication and Sensing in 6G Networks - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Paolo Casari.
- Chrom_rare - Unveiling the molecular basis of chromatinopathies to delineate innovative therapeutic solutions - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Alessio Zippo
- RBP-ReguNet - Deconstructing and Rewiring RNA-RBP regulatory networks - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Alessandro Provenzani
Doctoral Networks – Joint Doctorates
- TENORS - Tensor modEliNg, geOmetRy and optimisation – Department of Mathematics – Alessandra Bernardi
Staff Exchanges
- AHEAD - AI for Health: Evaluation of Applications & Datasets - Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Marta Tomasi
- DUCA - Data Usage Control for empowering digital sovereignty for All citizens – Department of Information engineering and computer science – Bruno Crispo
- CLOUDSTARS - Cloud Open Source Research Mobility Network – Department of Information engineering and computer science – Alberto Montresor
Research Infrastructures
- RI-SCALE - Unlocking RI potential with Scalable AI and Data - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Sandro Luigi Fiore
- EOSC Beyond - EOSC Beyond: advancing innovation and collaboration for research - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Sandro Luigi Fiore
- Skills4EOSC - Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Sandro Luigi Fiore
- iMagine - Imaging data and services for aquatic science - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Sandro Luigi Fiore
- interTwin - An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for science - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Sandro Luigi Fiore
Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness
- VIPPSTAR - Visually Impaired children and adolescents: bridging the gap with Personalized Prevention Strategies, Tools, Approaches, and Resources - Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences – Paola Venuti
- SKillAIbility - Co-designing human centric pathways for future skills in manufacturing through augmented, empowered, inclusive, and symbiotic complementarities between AI, automation and human task - School of International – Mauro Caselli
- RECODE MLG - Rethinking Co-creation of Digital and Environmental Policy in Systems of Multilevel Governance - Department of Sociology and social research – Simona Piattoni
- NEXT-UP - Navigating the next normal: Innovative Approaches to Enhancing Youth’s Education-Employment Transitions in Post-COVID-19 Europe - Department of Sociology and social research – Ivano Bison
- NET-ROL - Networks and the Rule of Law: Uncovering Socio-Economic Outcomes - Department of Economics and Management -Nadia Laura Von Jacobi
- RETOOL - Strengthening democratic governance for climate transitions - School of International Studies (SIS)- Louisa Rosemary Parks
- LEARN - Longitudinal Educational Achievements: Reducing iNequalities - Department of Sociology and social research - Moris Triventi (transferred)
- HRJust - States’ Practice of Human Rights Justification: a study in civil society engagement and human rights through the lens of gender and intersectionality – Faculty of Law - Elena Fasoli
- ReIncluGen - Rethinking Inclusion and Gender empowerment: A participatory action research - Martina Cvajner – Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences - Martina Cvajner
- ActEU - Towards a new era of representative democracy - Activating European citizens’ trust in times of crises and polarization - School of International Studies (SIS)- Louisa Rosemary Parks
- CCINDLE - Co-Creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces Across Europe - Department of Sociology and social research - Elena Pavan
- Sec4AI4Sec - Cybersecurity for AI-Augmented Systems - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Fabio Massacci
- CROSSCON - Cross-platform Open Security Stack for Connected Devices - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Bruno Crispo
- NET4EXA - Network for European Exascale Systems - Department of Information engineering and computer science -Flavio Vella
- MICROCARD-2 - Numerical modeling of cardiac electrophysiology at the cellular scale - Department of Mathematics – Simone Pezzuto
- DARE - Digital Autonomy for RISC-V in Europe - Department of Information engineering and computer science -Flavio Vella
- SUBBIMATT - Sustainable, Biobased and Bio-Inspired Materials for Smart Technical Textiles - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering – Diego Misseroni
- EoCoE-III - Fostering the European energy transition with exascale - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering – Bruno Majone
- INVERSE - INteractive robots that intuitiVely lEarn to inVErt tasks by ReaSoning about their Execution - Department of Industrial engineering – Matteo Saveriano
- MAGICIAN - iMmersive leArninG for ImperfeCtion detectIon and repAir through human-robot interactioN - Department of Industrial engineering – Daniele Fontanelli
- TANGO -Digital Technologies ActiNg as a Gatekeeper to information and data flOws - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Andrea Passerini
- ELIAS - European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Niculae Sebe
- AI4TRUST - AI-based-technologies for trustworthy solutions against disinformation - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Niculae Sebe
- ZOOOM - 3Os and IP awareness raising for collaborative ecosystems - Department of Economics and Management - Alessandro Rossi
- NeQST - NExt level Quantum information processing for Science and Technology - Department of Physics - Philipp Hans Juergen Hauke
- JIDEP - Joint Industrial Data Exchange Pipeline - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fausto Giunchiglia
- Climateurope2 - Supporting and standardizing climate services in Europe and beyond - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Sandro Luigi Fiore
- SUNRISE - Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms - Department of Industrial engineering - Mauro Da Lio
- BioFairNet - Bioeconomy and Circular Economy Fair Network Digitally fair and accessible network for reducing GHG activities with circular and bio-economy models - Department of Economics and Management - Ermanno Celeste Tortia
- AgEnRes - AnalysinG of fossil-ENergy dependence in agriculture to increase RESilience against input price fluctuations - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) – Simone Cerroni
- PRUDENT - Promoting Green Nudging for Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) – Simone Cerroni
- DOMINO - Harnessing the microbial potential of fermented foods for healthy and sustainable food systems – Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
- CoDiet - Combatting Diet related non- communicable disease through enhamced surveillance - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
- MARBEFES - MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services - Department of Economics and Management - Carlo Fezzi
- VISIONARY - Food Provision through Sustainable Farming Systems and Value Chains - Department of Economics and Management - Simone Cerroni
- BioValue - Biodiversity value in spatial policy and planning leveraging multi-level and transformative change - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Geneletti
- BIO-Agora - Bio Knowledge Agora: Developing the Science Service for European Research and Biodiversity Policymaking - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Geneletti
- SELINA - Science for Evidence-based and sustainabLe decIsions about NAtural capital - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Geneletti
- iCOSHELLs - Innovative co-creation soil health LIVING LABs - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering – Marco Ragazzi
- SOLO - Soils for Europe – Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering – Davide Geneletti
Innovative Europe
- MUSMET - Musical Metaverse made in Europe: an innovation lab for musicians and audiences of the future - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Luca Turchet
- Bio-HhOST in ELM - Bio-HhOST Project in the ELMs Portfolio - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology CIBIO - Martin Michael Hanczyc
- EcoSentinel - Ecological Sentinel - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Leonardo Lizzi
- BIO_HOST - Next Generation 3D Tissue Models: Bio-Hybrid Hierarchical Organoid-Synthetic Tissues (Bio-HhOST) Comprised of Live and Artificial Cells - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology CIBIO - Martin Michael Hanczyc
- OMICSENS - Integrated nano-photonic OMICs bio-SENSor for lung cancer - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Martin Michael Hanczyc
- IVBM-4PAP - Development of an In-Vivo Brillouin Microscope (with application to Protein Aggregation-based Pathologies) – Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Alessio Zippo
- MIMOSA - 4D Microscopy of biological materials by short pulse terahertz sources - Department of Physics - Gianluca Lattanzi
- AAVolution - Next-generation AAV vectors for liver-directed gene therapy - Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Anna Cereseto
- SUSTAIN - Smart Building Sensitive to Daily Sentiment - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Giovanni Iacca
Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area
- OMICSENS - Integrated nano-photonic OMICs bio-SENSor for lung cancer - Department of
Cellular, computational and integrative biology (CIBIO) - Martin Michael Hanczyc - BIO_HOST - Next Generation 3D Tissue Models: Bio-Hybrid Hierarchical Organoid-
Synthetic Tissues (Bio-HhOST) Comprised of Live and Artificial Cells - Department of
Cellular, computational and integrative biology CIBIO - Martin Michael Hanczyc - ToEQPL - Towards an excellence centre on quantum photonics in Latvia - Department of Physics – Lorenzo Pavesi
- SYNCC-IN - SYNchrony in Caregiver-Child Interactions across Neurodiversity – Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science – Gianluca Esposito
- TWINNIBS - Twinning for excellence in non-invasive brain stimulation in Western Balkans - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Carlo Miniussi
Titolo contatti