European Defence Fund (EDF)
- ARCHYTAS - ARCHitectures based on unconventional accelerators for dependable/energY efficienT AI Systems - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Flavio Vella
Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)
- TAPERFRAME - Design of steel portal frames made of web tapered members with and without openings at normal temperature and fire conditions - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering – Nicola Tondini
Digital Europe
- CYCERONE - CYbersecurity aCadEmy foR educatiOn and experience - Department of Information engineering and computer science- Bruno Crispo
- ACHIEVE - Advanced Cloud and High-performance computing Education for a Valiant Europe - Department of Information engineering and computer science – Fabrizio Granelli
- RESCHIP4EU - Reinforcing Skills in Chips Design for Europe - Department of Information engineering and computer science- Roberto Passerone
- EMAI4EU - EMotion Artificial Intelligence specialists for Europe - Department of Information engineering and computer science- Luigi Palopoli
- SPECTRO - SPecialised Education programmes in CybersecuriTy and Robotics – Department of Information engineering and computer science- Bruno Crispo
LIFE programme
- NORUBTREET_4_LIFE - NOvel RUBber blends for Tyres with a REduced Environmental impacT, for a better LIFE – Department of Industrial engineering - Stefano Gialanella
- ECOEMPOWER - ECOsystems EMPOWERing at regional and local scale supporting energy communities– Department of Information engineering and computer science - Vincenzo D’Andrea
Internal Security Fund (ISF)
- qAID - Towards contemporary knowledge and innovative tools for assessing and enhancing effectiveness of Asset and Interest Disclosure (AID) systems in EU Member States and Candidate States – Department of Faculty of Law - Andrea Di Nicola
Eu Anti fraud
- EU CYBER VAT - Fighting cyber-VAT fraud in the EU: a comparative criminological and criminal law study – Faculty of Law - Andrea Di Nicola
Justice (JUST)
- Julia - Justice, fundamentaL rIghts and Artificial intelligence – Faculty of Law – Paola Iamiceli
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)
- StandByMe 2.0 - STop gender-bAsed violeNce by aDdressing masculinities and changing Behaviour of Young people through huMan rights Education - Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences - Maria Paola Paladino
Titolo contatti