The University of Trento signed transformative agreements through CRUI-CARE with the following publishers:
Contract 2020-2023
Offset Read & Publish Contract
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to the entire catalog of the publisher with the inclusion of off-setting content as well as the possibility for authors affiliated with the University of Trento to publish in open access with a CC-BY license in hybrid journals of the subscription collections.
Management of publications in open access: The contract assures the availability of an increasing number of vouchers over the 4 years. Corresponding authors can choose to publish in open access upon acceptance of the article by providing their own institutional address. It allows them to be identified as an author affiliated with the University of Trento on the Rightslink for Scientific Communications di CCC (Copyright Clearance Center) platform integrated with the ACS publisher website. Authors retain copyright. Only the hybrid journals contained in the 2022 list provided by the publisher are eligible. To monitor the annual consumption of vouchers by each institution, CRUI-CARE centrally manages the authorizations, in close collaboration with the Approval Manager of the University. If vouchers run out before the end of the year, CARE will consider the possibility of purchasing additional vouchers to cover the needs of the institutions; otherwise, individual authors will pay their own additional APCs.
Contract 2020-2022
2022 Transformative Agreement
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to the publisher's Full Collection 2022 catalog as well as the possibility for corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Trento to publish unlimitedly in open access on Full Journal Package journals, both hybrid and gold open access.
Green Open Access: Affiliates of the University of Trento can self-archive the accepted version of their articles immediately after publication by the publisher on their personal website or on the institutional repository IRIS, without embargo.
Management of publications in open access: Upon acceptance of their work, corresponding authors can choose to publish in open access by providing their own institutional address. The author is identified as an affiliate of the University of Trento on the Rightslink Clearance Copyright Center (CCC) platform. The author that Cambridge University Press associates with the University of Trento should get an APC equal to GBP 0.00. The types of articles included (and excluded) in the contract are indicated on the publisher's website; from the page about the contract, it is possible to download a Guide for authors (.PDF format, 522 KB) and to consult the Waivers and discounts page. The default license is CC-BY. In alternative, other Creative Commons licences can be selected. Authors retain copyright. At the end of the procedure, affiliation is verified by the Approval Manager of the University. Vouchers available are unlimited in number.
Contract 2020-2022
Read & Publish Contract
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to the entire catalog of the publisher with 350 periodicals as well as the possibility for corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Trento to publish articles in open access in the 301 hybrid journals eligible by contract, with a CC-BY license and at no additional cost. The types of articles foreseen in the contract for open access publication are Original Papers, Review papers and Case reports. During 2022, it is possible to publish in 109 Full Open Access journals with a 20% discount on the APCs price list in case of payment after the publication, or with a 25% discount in case of "pre-payment" with the payment of a "Deposit account" of € 5,000. The "APC fee" column specifies the price (which varies from € 500 to € 2,250).
Management of publications in open access: The contract assures the availability of vouchers in increasing numbers over the 3 years. With the submission of the article, corresponding authors can choose to publish their work in open access by providing their institutional address. Thus, the Approval Manager of the university identifies the author as affiliated with the University of Trento. Authors retain copyright. CRUI-CARE centrally manages the authorizations to monitor the institution's annual consumption, in close collaboration with the Approval Manager of the University. During 2022, no pre-established distribution of open access publications is foreseen among the universities participating in the CRUI-CARE contract. The cost of the articles published in open access in hybrid journals is already included in the subscription fee, until the total number of vouchers established at national level is reached.
Contract 2018-2022
CIG 7066024B75
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to over 2,000 journals from the publisher's Freedom Collection.
Green Open Access: Authors can deposit articles in pre-print and post-print version in the institutional repository IRIS; refer to the publisher's website for journal-specific information.
Management of publications in open access: for the entire duration of the contract, discounted APCs are foreseen to publish articles in hybrid open access. The discount is 20% for the period 2018-2019, 15% for the period 2020-2021 and 10% for 2022. To get a discount, during the submission corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Trento should indicate the CIG of the CRUI-CARE contract (see above). It identifies them as affiliated with the University of Trento. For more information, refer to the publisher's website
Contract 2020-2024
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to journals included in the eJournal Premier Collection as well as the possibility for authors to publish open access articles in all journals available on the platform. Corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Trento can publish an unlimited number of articles in Gold Open Access in 310 hybrid and full Open Access journals, with a CC-BY license. The submission must be made by providing the institutional e-mail address.
Green Open Access: authors can deposit and use the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) without embargo.
Contract 2020-2024
Read & Publish Contract
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to the journals available on the SpringerLink platform as well as the possibility for authors affiliated with the University of Trento to publish in open access in hybrid journals on the SpringerLink platform. The number of vouchers included in the contract is increasing in the course of the five-year contract.
Green Open Access: Authors can self-archive their Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) after acceptance of the publication immediately on their personal website and with an embargo of 12 months in the institutional repository IRIS. Authors must include the following specification 'version after peer-review but prior to review of the article published in [insert journal title]. The final authenticated version is available online [insert DOI] '. These guidelines do not apply to articles published in Open Access in Licensed Open Choice Journals that can be published and can be made readily available in Open Access.
Management of publications in open access: Corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Trento can publish in Open Access only Original Papers and Review papers. They must be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license for most of the journals, and more specifically a CC-BY-NC license for some of them. Authors retain copyright. After peer-review and acceptance of the article by the journal, and before the selection of the Open Access option, the publication flow requires the selection by the corresponding author of the University of Trento as affiliate institution. For more information, download the Author's Guide. At the end of the procedure, the Approval Manager of the University verifies the affiliation.
Contract Wiley 2020-2023
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to the publisher's catalog as well as with the possibility for the corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Trento to publish in open access, with a CC-BY license on Open Hybrid journals. The publisher provides the updated list of Hybrid journals passed to Gold Open Access in 2022, which therefore remain eligible journals.
Green Open Access: Affiliates can self-archive their articles in the version accepted for publication on their website or in the institutional repository IRIS with an embargo of 12 months for the STM area and 24 months for the HSS area.
Management of publications in open access: Corresponding authors can choose to publish their work in open access at the time of submission by providing their institutional address. The author is identified as affiliated with the University of Trento through the Ringgold Identifier system on the publisher's platform already in use for the management of the publication process. Authors retain copyright. Only original Research Articles and Review Articles can be published in open access. For more information, download the Author's Guide. After peer-review and acceptance of the article by the journal, and before the selection of the Open Access option, the publication flow requires the selection by the corresponding author of the University of Trento as affiliate institution. For more information, download the Author's Guide. At the end of the procedure, the Approval Manager of the University verifies the affiliation.
SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) is an international project, coordinated by CERN in Geneva since 2014, aimed at supporting the publication costs of articles published in peer-reviewed open access journals in the field of Particle Physics of the following publishers: SPRINGER, IOP, SCIENCE DIRECT ELSEVIER, APS (American Physical Society). The University of Trento adheres to the SCOAP3 project (2017-2019). Authors do not incur expenses to publish in open access in full Open Access journals.
Contract 2017-2019
Contents: The contract includes a subscription agreement that allows subscribers to access to the full Open Access journals included in the project.
Discounts for APC: Costs for the publication of open access articles are fully covered by the University of Trento. All articles are published in open access with a Creative Commons CC-BY license and do not require any payment by the author. Authors retain copyright on their work.