The project

The University of Trento, represented by Vanessa Ravagni (head of the Scientific Research and Technology Transfer Division) participated in the COST targeted network The voice of research administrators - building a network of administrative excellence (BESTPRAC).

The consortium includes the representatives of the administrative, financial, legal offices (“Research Administrators”) for the support to the submission and management of European projects, of universities and research institutions from 28 EU countries.


  • promotion of networking activities in order to exchange and compare experiences about  European research projects financial and legal management;
  • promotion and sharing of “best practices” aimed at detecting effective and shared solutions for European research projects management;
  • promotion, also at national level (through project partners),  of networking activities for administrative, financial and legal services of other universities and research centres;
  • promotion of  skills development and professional recognition (also through mobility programmes) of research administrators.

BESTPRAC Core Group Meeting

On 17 and 18 November 2014, the University of Trento hosted the BESTPRAC Core Group Meeting focused on:

  • description of project aims and structure;
  • training opportunities through mobility Short Term Scientific Mission - STSM, for administrative, finance and legal services in Italian universities;  
  • Working Groups activities and reports.
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