8 projects: 2 in the Physical Sciences and Engineering domain and 6 in the Social Sciences and Humanities domain
- Olivier Marie Claire Collignon - CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
Project: MADVIS - Mapping the Deprived Visual System: Cracking function for prediction (from 1/1/2016 the Host Institution is the Universite Catholique de Louvain) - David Paul Melcher - CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
Project: CoPeST - Construction of perceptual space-time - Nathan Weisz - CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
Project: Win2Con - Brain-State Dependent Perception: Finding the Windows to Consciousness (the grant was transferred to another host institution on 30/09/2015) - Nicola Pugno - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering
Project: BIHSNAM - Bio-inspired Hierarchical Super Nanomaterials - Michael Dumbser - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering
Project: STiMulUS - Space-Time Methods for Multi-Fluid Problems on Unstructured Meshes - Marco Baroni - CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
Project: COMPOSES - Compositional Operations in Semantic Space - Uri Hasson - CIMEC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
Project: NeuroInt - How the brain codes the past to predict the future - Stefani Scherer - Department of Sociology and Social research
Project: FAMINE - Families of Inequalities - Social and economic consequences of the changing work-family equilibria in European Societies
1 project in the Social Sciences and Humanities domain
- Giorgio Coricelli - CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
project: Transfer-Learning: Transfer Learning within and between brains
5 projects: 1 in the Social Sciences and Humanities domain, 3 projects in the Physical Sciences and Engineering domain and 1 project in the Life Science domain
- Guido Grandi - Department CIBIO
Project: OMVac - Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) from "Vaccinobacter": a Synthetic Biology approach for effective vaccines against infectious diseases and cancer - Davide Bigoni - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering
Project: INSTABILITIES - Instabilities and nonlocal multiscale modelling of materials - Giorgio Vallortigara - CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain sciences
Project: PREMESOR - Predisposed mechanisms for social orienting: A comparative neuro-cognitive approach - Ioannis Mylopoulos - Department of Information engineering and Computer science
Project: Lucretius - Foundations for Software Evolution - Sandro Stringari - Department of Physics
Project: QGBE - Quantum Gases Beyond Equilibrium
Titolo contatti