
2 projects in the Physical Sciences and Engineering domain.

  • Giacomo Moretti - Department of Industrial Engineering
    Project: flEAP- Fluid gap Electro-Active-Polymer machines for a new generation of mechatronic systems
  • Giulia Giordano - Department of Industrial Engineering
    Project: INSPIRE - Integrated Structural and Probabilistic Approaches for Biological and Epidemiological Systems

5 projects: 3 projects in the Social Sciences and Humanities domain, 1 project in the Life Sciences domain, 1 project in the Physical Sciences and Engineering domain

  • Roberto Bottini - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) 
    Project: ATCOM - An Attentional Code for Memory
  • Moris Triventi - Department of Sociology and social research
    Project: EDUPOL - Education policies that work: A context-sensitive ‘big data’ approach (transferred)
  • Diego Misseroni - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering
    Project: S-FOAM - Self-Foldable Origami-Architected Metamaterials
  • Elena Franchi - Department of Humanities
    Project: FeBo - Federalism and Border Management in Greek Antiquity
  • Nicola Segata - Department CIBIO
    Project: microTOUCH - Transmission of the human microbiome and its impact on health  

3 projects: 2 projects in the Physical Sciences and Engineering domain, 1 project in the Social Sciences and Humanities domain

  • Davide Bigoni - Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering
    Project: Beyond - Beyond hyperelasticity: a virgin land of extreme materials
  • Matteo Calandra Buonaura - Department of Physics
    Project: DELIGHT- Discovering light-induced phases by first-principles material design
  • Francesco Zimei - Department of Humanities
    Project: LAUDARE - The Italian Lauda: Disseminating Poetry and Concepts Through Melody (12th-16th centuries)
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