Tuition fees are calculated based on a means test (ISEE, Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente), which measures the average household income and is used in Italy for the award of social benefits.
To find out how much tuition fees are, calculate your ISEE and use the fee calculator.
If you choose to pay online:
- access the PagoPA system with your SPID id or with your PagoPA account (the account is valid for all PagoPA services, you can create it by registering with your email);
- choose the payment method (credit card or other);
- choose the Payment Service Provider (PSP, a bank or other payment institution) from those available for the method you have chosen. PSPs may apply a fee, which you can see on the page;
- you will be directed to the payment page "Nodo dei Pagamenti - SPC" which is managed by AGID (Agency for Digital Italy) where you can make the actual payment;
- once the payment has been completed, the payment outcome screen appears. Click close ("chiudi") to return to the reserved area of Esse3, under "Dettaglio fattura".
It takes about 10 minutes for the payment status to be updated in Esse3 in MyTasse > Elenco Tasse ("List of payments").
You can choose to print and pay in the Esse3 reserved area - My Tasse - Elenco tasse - Dettaglio fattura:
- download the PagoPA Payment Notice (it is a PDF document)
- pay online or at a bank or other Payment Service Provider (PSPs)
- using your home banking service (look for the CBILL or PagoPA logos)
- at public establishments (for example bars, tobacconists, similar shops) authorised to collect PagoPA payments in cash or by credit/debit cards
- at bank branches among those on PagoPA's list of active PSPs.
The Payment Notice you download and print from Esse3 cannot be used to pay at the post offices of Poste Italiane.
Below are the minimum and maximum amounts to be paid based on the ISEE index.
Undergraduate and 5-year single-cycle degrees
- for the recipients of Opera Universitaria scholarships: € 16.00 (stamp duty)
- with ISEE up to € 26,000.00: between € 146.00 and € 366.00
- with ISEE between € 26,000.01 and €86,999.99: between € 367.00 and € 2,384.00
- with ISEE above € 87,000.00 or no ISEE: € 2,384.00.
Master's degrees and 6-year single-cycle Master's degrees
- for the recipients of Opera Universitaria scholarships: € 16.00 (stamp duty)
- with ISEE up to € 26,000.00: between € 146.00 and € 366.00
- with ISEE between € 26,000.01 and €86,999.99: between € 367.00 and € 3.345,00
- with ISEE above € 87,000.00 or no ISEE: € 3,345.00
For the students of master's degrees and 5- or 6-year single-cycle master's degrees enrolled in the 1st year beyond the expected duration of the course and entitled to a scholarships or a partial fee waiver from Opera Universitaria: the amount is between € 100.00 and 50% of the amount calculated based on their ISEE index.