
This text gives a step-by-step description of the phases and most important aspects of the procedure to follow for the protection of intellectual property as laid out in the intellectual property regulation.

1. Description of the invention

A researcher who has created an intangible asset that can potentially be patented, registered or otherwise protected, must notify the university's Research, Development and Impact division by either sending in the completed and signed "description of the invention" form (while taking care to preserve the novelty of the invention), or by sending the duly signed "software disclosure” form..

The forms are available from the dedicated service desk page.

The above-mentioned division will evaluate the aspects relating to intellectual property and the possibility of filing for protective measures.

2. Intellectual Property Rights Commission

The commission has the task of deciding on any patent application in relation to the invention presented by the researcher, owned by the university.

3. Development of intellectual property and eventual distribution of the proceeds

The university works with the researcher to evaluate the most suitable ways to develop the intangible good, in compliance with the general principle of competition.

The distribution of the proceeds deriving from any such development will be carried out in accordance with article 14(1) of the regulation:

  • 50% to the researcher [n.b. in the case of multiple researchers, this percentage will be shared in proportion to the effective contribution of the research, as stated by each person in the module submitted, or if this information is missing, in equal parts];
  • 20% to the unit where the research was developed;
  • 30% to the central administration.

The percentages above are to be understood as net of the expenses incurred by the university for the protection and development of the intangible asset.

In the event of licensing or transfer of the university's intellectual property rights to a business initiative, whether accredited or not by the university, the partner and/or administrator and/or manager of the company who appears as the inventor or author of the intellectual property transferred or licensed shall not have access to the distribution made by the university of the proceeds deriving from the development (Art. 8 of the regulation). 

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