To access an undergraduate or single cycle degree programme, you must have a secondary school diploma obtained at the end of at least 12 years of study, which must be considered equivalent to the Italian high-school diploma. This diploma usually gives access to university studies in the country where it was obtained. Consider that if the course you want to attend has an entry test, you will have to pass the test in order to enroll.
You will have to submit the following:
- high-school diploma (if you are still attending or if the diploma is not yet available you can submit a certificate of enrolment or a provisional certificate);
- a certificate, or a transcript of records, issued by the secondary school certifying the subjects of study of the last two years;
- any certificate that of demonstrates you academic skills, if in the country where you obtained the diploma there is a mandatory national exam to access university studies (e.g. Gao Kao, EDEM, YKS);
- any translations into English or Italian of the documents listed in the previous points if they are not already available in English, Spanish, French or German. Translations do not replace the original diploma and must always bear the signature and stamp of the translator or translation agency.
If you have obtained your diploma after less than 12 years of study, to be able to enroll in a degree programme you must also submit:
- a certificate, or a transcript of records, demonstrating that you have attended one or more years of university in a foreign country, passing all the required exams;
- a certificate attesting to the completion of a foundation year at an Italian or foreign university;
- a certificate relating to post-secondary studies at an Italian or foreign institution in subjects related to the degree course you have chosen at UniTrento (e.g. Associate Degree, final qualification in Istituti Tecnici Superiori, Istituti tecnologici superiori, and others).
The University of Trento may request additional documentation, such as:
- a statement of comparability and verification from CIMEA (Centre for Information on Mobility and Academic Equivalences);
- other certificates of previous studies.
If you hold a British General Certificate of Education, you must submit documentation certifying that you have passed at least 3 A levels.
If you hold a US High School Diploma, you must submit documentation certifying that you have passed at least 3 Advanced Placements (APs).
A Levels and APs must have at least a sufficient grade and must be in subjects related to the degree programme you want to enroll in. If you have not taken A Levels or APs courses, you can submit documents attesting to the completion of a full year of university in a foreign country (for more information see Annex 1 of the Procedures for the entry, stay, registration of international students and recognition of qualifications).
To access master's degree programmes, you must hold a degree equivalent to a first-level degree. In Italy, this means having completed at least 3 years of studies and obtained 180 university credits (CFU) or equivalent. In the European context, university credits are replaced by ECTS.
The degree must be issued by a recognized institution and must give access to a master's degree programme in the country where it was obtained. If the foreign institution that issued the degree operates mainly in Italy, it must be accredited both in the country where it is registered and in Italy (Decree no. 214 of 26 April 2004).
Consider that if the course you want to attend has an entry test, you will have to pass the test in order to enroll.