The amount of the scholarship can be increased by 50%, with the approval of the PhD coordinator or the Faculty board, to give PhD students the opportunity to spend some time abroad for carrying out research activities.
Students who have been awarded a PhD scholarship and, starting from the 38th cycle, PhD students who have not been offered a scholarship, can apply for a scholarship increase. On the other hand, this opportunity is not given to the beneficiaries of scholarships or financial support in the framework of mobility programmes (article 9, paragraph 6, of Ministerial Decree 226/2021).
Scholarship increases are offered for stays abroad taking place before the end of the last year of the doctorate (students who are about to take the final exam are not eligible).
Periods of study abroad must be at least one month and:
- not more than 18 months for PhD students enrolled up to the 37th cycle;
- not more than 12 months (18 months for cotutelle programmes, under a specific agreement) for PhD students enrolled since the 38th cycle.
The amount of the increase is calculated on the basis of the number of days spent abroad, certified by a declaration of the foreign institution where the study and/or research activity was carried out.
The increase of the scholarship for stays abroad is paid at the end of the period of stay, except in case of advance requests, and is paid apart from the scholarship.
To apply for a scholarship increase you must submit:
- the scholarship increase form;
- the authorization form signed by your coordinator (if you are going to spend not more than 6 months abroad);
- the authorising decision of the faculty board (if you are going to spend more than 6 months abroad).
The forms must be sent or submitted to the PhD and higher education office responsible for your programme.
If you are awarded a PhD scholarship, you must pay your social security contributions to "gestione separata" INPS (the Italian national institute for social security), pursuant to article 2, paragraph 26, of Law 335/95, as amended. Therefore PhD students who do not hold a scholarship who apply for an increase must first register with "gestione separata" INPS.
For more information see the dedicated page.
If you are staying abroad for three months or more, you can request an advance of 60% of the expected amount, indicating this option in the "Scholarship increase request form".
To receive the advance payment by the date of departure you declared in the form, you must submit the request at least 2 months in advance. Late requests may not be processed in time.
The remaining 40% will be paid at the end of the period abroad, when you will submit a certificate of participation issued by the host institution.
When you return from your period abroad, you'll have to submit to the PhD and higher education office responsible for your programme a certificate of participation in research issued by the institution you visited, to certify the length of stay.
Please note that the certificate must be submitted in original, must be dated on the day your stay abroad ended or a later date, and bear the stamp of the institution you visited or be printed on letterhead.