
As a recipient of a doctoral scholarship, you are required to pay social security contributions to "gestione separata" INPS (article 2, paragraph 26, of Law 335/95, as amended).

The amount you have to pay is 35.03% (or 24%, see below) of the gross amount of the scholarship; 2/3 is paid by the University and 1/3 by you (11.68%). 

Social security payments made by the University are deducted from your bi-monthly payments and paid to INPS.

The 24% rate applies in case you have other social security or insurance positions (for example, if you practice a registered profession). If that is your case, you must inform the University at the time of registration, specifying the professional social security fund you are affiliated with.

Remember that checks are carried out on the declarations you provided through the Tax Registry.

All PhD students with a PhD scholarship are required to enrol in the "gestione separata" INPS.


If you come from abroad, you can ask your university to register with INPS on your behalf. This can be done in the enrolment phase, when you complete the enrolment form.


The application for registration with "gestione separata" INPS must be made on line on the INPS website.

If you do not already have INPS credentials or a SPID id, follow the instructions. Complete the registration process as soon as possible, as credentials can take a long time to be issued.

You can register from 1 November of each year, the official start date of the academic year.
A copy of your registration with INPS must be sent by email to the PhD and higher education office responsible for your programme, as soon as possible and in any case by 30 November.

If you are already registered with "gestione separata" (for example, because of previous work experience or for other reasons), you only have to login with your credentials or SPID id and print a document proving that you are registered (a record of the payments you made is sufficient), if you have not already done so during the registration application.
More information on how to register with "gestione separata" INPS can be found on the 
INPS website.

The toll-free number of INPS is 803.164.

Titolo contatti
Contatto struttura organizzativa