
One of the priorities of the University of Trento is to offer entrepreneurship training to researchers and students. At the same time, in close collaboration with HIT and companies, it supports innovative business ideas and startups through training courses, and teaching and open innovation tools.

Crash course in protection and development of intellectual property

A series of meetings organized by the Research Development and Impact Division, that are also open to private organisations, dedicated to the concrete exploration of the issues of protection of results and development of intellectual property.
Past editions:


La School of Innovation-SOI è una struttura interdipartimentale costruita per supportare i processi di innovazione e imprenditorialità, e offre corsi personalizzati per il miglioramento e l’apprendimento di questo tipo di competenze non solo a studenti ma a chiunque sia interessato. 
Tutte le attività della SOI si fondano sull’approccio pedagogico del Challenge-Based Learning, messo in atto sia attraverso l’utilizzo di strumenti di open innovation (anche all’interno di ECIU), che attraverso la sperimentazione didattica nel contesto dell’Innovation of Education Lab.


The Contamination Lab, created through a partnership with HIT, is a place to share background, experiences and know-how to broaden your personal and professional horizons. It also offers specific opportunities for different starting points and needs.

  • StartUpLab is a three-month programme of work in a heterogeneous group culminating in the presentation of the final project to a jury of investors, developed in collaboration with HIT and open to non-students.
  • IXL Innovation Olympics is a challenge developed by the IXL Center in Boston, in which participants try to solve a challenge launched by major companies in 10 weeks;
  • Enactus is an opportunity for those who want to develop high impact, entrepreneurial processes at a social, economic and environmental level, with the chance to measure themselves against other innovative teams on the international stage.

Entrepreneurial programmes in collaboration with HIT:

  • Trentino Startup Valley is a programme created thanks to a collaboration between HIT and Trentino Sviluppo for the development of start-ups. The programme, which is unique in Italy, is divided into three phases - bootstrap, validation and go-to-market - that accompany the growth of an idea from its embryonic stages. Designed for those who have an innovative, entrepreneurial idea they wish to develop and take to market;
  • Business Design is a programme designed for those who want to test an innovative business idea and reduce possible risks before entering the market. The course includes a personalized mentorship phase supported by expert teachers from the world of entrepreneurship;
  • Research to Business is a one-week full immersion training course on research and innovation concepts and themes that are particularly relevant to the field of technology transfer, within the framework of the objectives of the RIS3 (Smart Specialization Strategy) of the European Union.
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