PhD Course

Biomolecular Sciences

illustrazione DNA

icona freccia con testo COURSE SUMMARY

The PhD programme in Biomolecular sciences, offered by the Department of Cellular, computational and integrative biology-CIBIO, aims to train specialists through a multidisciplinary approach, equipping them with both the theoretical and practical knowledge required to implement innovative biotechnological processes.

PhD students also acquire the skills necessary to conduct high-level research autonomously and with scientific rigour, whether in universities or in public or private institutions, in biomedicine, biotechnologies and molecular-based clinical diagnostics.

The course in brief

Area of study:
Science and Technology
Sheref Samir Mansy
Call for Applications: closed
3 years

icona libro aperto OVERVIEW


The programme includes 3 tracks:

  • biomolecular sciences;
  • bio-industry;
  • quantitative biology.
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computational biology
  • Systems biology
  • Development biology
  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Synthetic biology
  • Structural biology
  • Organic chemistry
  • Genetics
  • Cancer genomics
  • Microbic genomics
  • Lipidomics and biomembranes
  • Metabolomics and metabolic imaging
  • Nanobiotechnologies
  • Neurobiology
  • Genic therapy
  • Molecular vaccinology
  • Molecular virology

BIO/01 - General botany
BIO/06 - Comparative anatomy and cytology
BIO/09 - Physiology
BIO/10 - Biochemistry
BIO/11 - Molecular biology
BIO/13 - Experimental biology
BIO/14 - Pharmacology 
BIO/17 - Histology
BIO/18 - Genetics
BIO/19 - General microbiology
CHIM/01 - Analytical chemistry
CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry
CHIM/10 - Food chemistry
FIS/07 - Applied physics (in cultural and environmental heritage, biology and medicine)
INF/01 - Informatics
ING-INF/06 - Electronic and informatics bioengineering
MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
MED/04 - Experimental medicine and pathophysiology
MED/07 - Microbiology and clinical microbiology
SECS-P/08 - Management


To apply for the PhD programme, you must have:

  • a specialist or master's degree under Ministerial decree 270/2004 or
  • a degree issued under the previous regulations;
  • an equivalent academic qualification obtained abroad (master's degree) that allows admission to the PhD program in the education system or in the country of issue and that is considered suitable by the selection committee for the sole purpose of accessing the course.​​ More information can be found through CIMEA/NARIC - Centro Informazioni Mobilità Equivalenze Accademiche: Banca dati dei sistemi universitari.

Students selected by special committees for specific international mobility programmes in which the University of Trento participates may also apply.


The admission call indicates:

  • admission requirements;
  • deadlines;
  • admission procedure;
  • details of the funded positions;
  • availability of scholarships.

For this doctoral course the following are available: 

  • 21+4 places;
  • 19+4 scholarships (of which 4 are topic-specific scholarships);
  • 2 non-scholarship places;
  • 2 additional non-scholarship places (see article 8). 

The breakdown of the available places and the details of the funded positions are specified in the admission call. 

icona puntina da disegno DOCUMENTS

Rankings, evaluation results and exclusions

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Information for future PhD candidates
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Information for current PhD candidates
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Go to the PhD site

Titolo contatti
Contatto struttura organizzativa