PhD Course


Laboratorio di Fisica, particolari mani con guanto e strumentazione

icona freccia con testo COURSE SUMMARY

The PhD programme is offered by the Department of Physics in partnership with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). The programme aims to develop the students' ability to conduct scientific research with autonomy, creativity, and methodological rigour.

The learning environment and teaching methods provide young researchers with the opportunity to gain experience in teamwork, engage in international collaborations, effectively communicate research findings, and design scientific projects.

Through high-level activities defined by the department and interdisciplinary courses focusing on the foundations of physics, the programme aims to train doctoral candidates capable of applying their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings, from universities to public and private organisations. 

The course in brief

Area of study:
Science and Technology
joint PhD programme
Raffaello Potestio
Call for Applications: closed
English Italian
3 years

icona libro aperto OVERVIEW

  • Astro-Particle Physics
  • Biophysics and Biosignals
  • Biophotonics and Neurophysics  
  • Biorganic Chemistry
  • Computational Physics and Astrophysics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Chemistry and Physics of Cold Plasmas
  • Experimental Astrochemistry
  • Experimental Astroparticle Physics
  • Experimental Gravitation and Gravitational Astronomy
  • Hydrogen, Energy, Environment
  • Materials Science
  • Microsystems
  • Nanoscience
  • Non linear Systems and Electronics
  • Optical and X-ray Spectroscopy
  • Physical Science Communication
  • Physics with Antimatter
  • Photonics
  • Quantum Optics
  • Quantum simulations and quantum computing
  • Radiation biophysics and medical physics
  • Structure and Dynamics of Complex Systems
  • Structure and Reactivity of Molecular Systems
  • Theoretical Cosmology
  • Theory of Fundamental Interactions
  • Theory of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
  • Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases

FIS/01 - Experimental physics
FIS/02 - Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods
FIS/03 - Physics of matter
FIS/04 - Nuclear and subnuclear physics
FIS/05 - Astronomy and astrophysics
FIS/06 - Physics of the Earth and of the circumterrestrial medium
FIS/07 - Applied physics
FIS/08 - Didactics and history of physics

CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry


o apply for the PhD programme, you must have:

  • a specialist or master's degree or a degree issued under the previous regulations;
  • an equivalent academic qualification obtained abroad (master's degree) that allows admission to the PhD program in the education system or in the country of issue and that is considered suitable by the selection committee for the sole purpose of accessing the course.

Students selected by special committees for specific international mobility programmes in which the University of Trento participates may also apply.


The admission call indicates:

  • admission requirements;
  • deadlines;
  • admission procedure;
  • details of the funded positions;
  • availability of scholarships. 

For this doctoral course the following are available: 

  • 4 places;
  • 4 topic-specific scholarships;

The breakdown of the available places and the details of the funded positions are specified in the admission call. 

For information on topic-specific places see the call.

icona puntina da disegno DOCUMENTS

Rankings, evaluation results and exclusions

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Information for future PhD candidates
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Information for current PhD candidates
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Go to the PhD site

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