PhD Course (D.M.226/2021)

Space Science and Technology - SST - National Doctoral Programme

satellite nello spazio

icona freccia con testo COURSE SUMMARY

The National Doctorate in Space Science and Technology aims to train young experts in the fields of science, engineering, technology, and international relations in the space sector, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed in the research areas of interest to the participating universities and research institutions.

The subjects related to space activities are many, enabling the participating institutions to share lessons, educational materials, laboratories, and internship opportunities. This approach ensures high-quality and excellence, and gives the participants the opportunity to build a strong network of relationships and to train a wide range of experts with different areas of expertise.

Doctoral candidates are encouraged to adopt an exploratory approach to the research topics, while the course aims to transfer scientifically significant and high-quality results to practical and applied contexts. The goal here is to strengthen the connection between basic and applied research, particularly in addressing society's priority environmental issues, which call for the development of innovative technologies, methods, and solutions.

The course in brief

Area of study:
Science and Technology
national PhD
Roberto Battiston
Call for Applications: closed
3 years

icona libro aperto OVERVIEW


The programme is structured into the following seven tracks:

  • Observation of the Universe
  • Earth and the Sun-Earth System
  • Planetary sciences
  • Astrobiology, life sciences, and space medicine
  • Sensors and space instrumentation
  • Engineering and satellite platform technologies
  • Space economics, law, and diplomacy

Detailed descriptions of each curriculum are available on the programmes's website.

During the first two years, PhD candidates participate in advanced remote courses and conduct research on their dissertation topics over the three-year period at the institution that awarded their scholarship. This is combined with study periods at other institutions in Italy (minimum six months) and abroad (minimum six months), in accordance with a research plan agreed upon with the supervisor and approved by the academic board. The research activity must result in an original and innovative thesis.


FIS/01 - Experimental physics
FIS/02 - Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods
FIS/03 - Physics of matter
FIS/04 - Nuclear and subnuclear physics
FIS/05 - Astronomy and astrophysics
FIS/06 - Physics of the Earth and of the circumterrestrial medium
ING-INF/01 - Electronics 
ING-INF/02 - Electromagnetic fields
ING-INF/03 - Telecommunications
ING-INF/05 - Information processing systems
ING-IND/01 - Naval architecture
ING-IND/12 - Mechanical and thermal measurements
ING-IND/13 - Applied mechanics
ING-IND/22 - Materials science and technology
ING-IND/24 - Fundamentals of chemical engineering
SPS/06 - History of international relations
GEO/04 - Physical geography and geomorphology
GEO/06 - Mineralogy
GEO/10 - Solid Earth geophysics
IUS/01 - Private law
IUS/04 - Business Law
BIO/09 - Physiology 
BIO/10 - Biochemistry 
MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
MAT/07 - Mathematical physics
M-PSI/01 - General psychology
M-PSI/02 - Psychobiology and physiological psychology
ICAR/08 - Structural mechanics


To apply for the PhD programme, you must have:

  • a specialist or master's degree or a degree issued under the previous regulations;
  • a second-level diploma awarded by higher-education institutions for the fine arts, music and dance (AFAM, Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale);
  • an equivalent academic qualification obtained abroad (master's degree) that allows admission to the PhD program in the education system or in the country of issue and that is considered suitable by the selection committee for the sole purpose of accessing the course.

Students who plan to graduate by 31 October 2024 are also eligible.


The admission call indicates:

  • admission requirements;
  • deadlines;
  • admission procedure;
  • details of the funded positions;
  • availability of scholarships.

For this doctoral course the following are available: 

  • 38+3 places;
  • 37+3 topic-specific scholarships;
  • 1 non-scholarship place;
  • 3 extra non-scholarship places (article 8 of the call).

Students participating in specific international mobility programmes involving UniTrento and partner research institutions may also be admitted by a dedicated selection committee.

icona puntina da disegno DOCUMENTS

Rankings, evaluation results and exclusions

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Information for future PhD candidates
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Information for current PhD candidates
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Consult the list of all the courses
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Go to the PhD site

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