
Per poter accedere ai servizi universitari, vale a dire mense, biblioteche, servizi e amministrativi e altri ancora, una volta completata la procedura di immatricolazione devi iscriverti al corso di studio che hai scelto a UniTrento, e poi confermare l'iscrizione anche negli anni successivi

Per farlo devi pagare la prima rata delle tasse universitarie entro la scadenza:

  • lauree e lauree a ciclo unico: 30 settembre;
  • lauree magistrali:
    • primo anno: entro 7 giorni dalla conferma di immatricolazione;
    • anni successivi: 30 settembre

To access university services, i.e. canteens, libraries, administrative services and others, once you have completed the registration process, you must enrol in the course of study you have chosen at UniTrento, and you must confirm your enrolment in subsequent years.

To do this, you must pay the first instalment of university fees by the deadline:

  • bachelor’s and single-cycle degrees: 30th September;
  • master’s degrees:
    • first year: within 7 days of confirmation of registration;
    • subsequent years: 30th September.
If you apply for an Opera Universitaria scholarship

Before paying the first instalment of fees (equal to the cost of the stamp duty only):

From the second year onwards

Before paying the first instalment of the fees (equal to the cost of the stamp duty only):

If you are entitled to exemption due to disability

Before paying the first instalment of the fees (equal to the cost of the stamp duty only):

  • fill in or update the Disability Declaration on Esse3;
  • finalise your registration;
  • pay the first instalment of the fees, equal to the cost of stamp duty only):

From the second year onwards

Before paying the first instalment of fees (equal to the cost of the stamp duty only):

What happens if you pay late?

If you don’t respect the payment deadlines, you will have to pay a penalty as indicated on the instalments and deadlines page.

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